Acetaminophen s role in pain management after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Including acetaminophen for pain management prior to and after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair can significantly reduce opioid consumption and improve patient satisfaction postoperatively. Not only that, but patients who take acetaminophen perioperative can also have better pain control, even while consuming fewer opioids.
Dissecting how pitching affects the glenohumeral joint
A new study has tackled the subtle, but no less important topic of baseball pitching stressors on the glenohumeral joint. According to the study authors, “Long-term pitching activity changes the stress distribution across the glenohumeral joint surface; however, the influence of competitive level on stress-distribution patterns remains unclear.”
5 knee braces to consider
Knee braces can provide support to the knee joint. People may find these products beneficial following surgery or injury.
Pop goes the shoulder now what?
If you are worried you have a shoulder dislocation, don’t panic, but do get specialized care right away.
How Surgeons Can Improve Outcomes of Revision ACL Reconstruction
Outcomes of revision anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction are known to be inferior to those of primary procedures, but little has been known about why this occurs – until now. New research from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, suggests that 2 important clinical decisions can significantly improve a patient’s chances of a experiencing a good outcome after revision surgery.